
There will be no private vehicle parking aboard MCAS Iwakuni and limited parking in Iwakuni City.

Please utilize public transportation, there will be clear directions to the entry gates.

  • Event shuttle buses are allowed to enter via the North Gate at 6:30 AM.
  • The walk-in gate, West Gate, will open from 7 AM allowing base access to visitors.
  • Once on base, it is a 20-minute walk from the West Gate to the event site
  • Visitors can access the event site at 7 AM.

ADA Compliant

Those with disabilities are encouraged to attend and are welcome aboard MCAS Iwakuni. While there is no designated parking, there are ways to access the show site through public transportation:

  • Shuttle buses from Iwakuni Station will drop off approximately a 15 minute walk from the event site.
  • Tour bus drop off is approximately an 8 minute walk from the event site.
  • Our event venues have space for those in need and designated handicapped restrooms.

Public Transportation

The use of public transportation is greatly appreciated for the cooperation in mitigating extremely heavy traffic congestion. Visitors are strongly encouraged to use JR Iwakuni station and walk to the West Gate. Guests can also pay a small fee to take a shuttle bus from the train station to the venue.

Event shuttle buses (paid) will transport visitors from the JR Iwakuni train station to the drop-off point aboard the installation, which is approximately a 15-minute walk to the event venue. Starting from the West Gate pedestrians should expect a 10 to 15-minute walk to the event venue.

Commercial tour buses and commercial charted buses with passengers will be allowed entry. All buses will be directed to the appropriate pre-designated parking location. All commercial tour buses are asked to stay at the pre-designated parking location during the event. No re-entry of commercial chartered buses.

The C-Gate will be open from 6 AM until 1 PM for large tour buses only. Chartered Tour buses may come on base at the pre-staging area inside the C-Gate at 3 AM; however, passengers are required to stay inside their buses until the event venue opens.

Pedestrians & Bicycles

Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be admitted through the West Gate. The walk from Iwakuni Station to MCAS Iwakuni is approximately 3 km or 30 minutes.

Limited bicycle parking will be available inside the air station, and the City of Iwakuni will have additional bicycle parking near the West Gate.

Bicycles will not be allowed past the main entry points into the event area.

Train Information

Trains are one of the most popular ways to attend. There are several nearby train stations — Iwakuni Station, Minami-Iwakuni Station and Nishi-Iwakuni Station. The closest JR station from MCAS is Iwakuni Station. The walk is about 30 minutes to the base. Please familiarize yourself with the local schedules and special itineraries in place for the Iwakuni Airshow.

Bus Information

Many buses will be dedicated to bringing guests to and from the base. Shuttle buses to MCAS Iwakuni will be available from JR Iwakuni Station.

  • Shuttle Bus from Iwakuni Station
    • For a small fee, Iwakuni City Buses will transport people from the Nishi Guchi side of Iwakuni Station to the airshow. The walking distance is approximately a 20-minute walk from the drop-off area.
  • Tour Buses
    • If arriving by tour bus, there is a designated entry specific for tour buses. Bus operators are encouraged to arrive early as traffic can build up toward noon and may prevent some viewers from accessing the gates in time. The walking distance is approximately an 8-minute walk from the drop-off area.

See here for more bus information from Iwakuni City → https://iwakunibus.notion.site/5-5-f76948f94939476797ae2a51d36da86f



  • 臨時シャトルバスは午前6時30分に北ゲートから入場できます。
  • 歩行者用ゲートである西ゲート(ウエストゲート)は午前7時からオープンし来場者が徒歩で基地にアクセスできるようになります。
  • 西ゲートから会場までは徒歩20分です。
  • 来場者は午前7時から会場に入ることができます。

ADA対応(Americans with disability act - 障害を持つアメリカ人法)


  • 岩国駅からのシャトルバス降車場から会場まで徒歩約15分。
  • ツアーバス降車場から会場まで徒歩約8分。
  • イベント会場には障害者用トイレを完備しております。














  • ・岩国駅からの臨時シャトルバス
    • ・臨時シャトルバスが岩国駅西口から航空ショー会場まで送迎します。基地内降車場からイベント会場までは徒歩約15分です。
  • ・観光バス
    • ・観光バスでお越しの場合はバス専用の入場口があります。昼頃になると混雑が予想され、入場が間に合わない場合がありますのでお早めにお越しください。基地内降車場からイベント会場までは約8分です。

臨時シャトルバス情報はこちら → https://iwakunibus.notion.site/5-5-f76948f94939476797ae2a51d36da86f