
Aerobatic Pilot - Yoshihide Muroya

From childhood, Yoshihide Muroya aspired to become a pilot, and he started gliding in the aviation club after entering Chuo University.

In 2009, he became the first Asian pilot to participate in the Red Bull Air Race World Championship, a 3D motorsport series recognized by the Fédération AeronautInternational (FAI). In 2016, he won his first championship in Chiba. In 2017, he won four out of eight races to become the first Asian to win the overall title in the world series, a remarkable achievement as the annual champion in the top category of motorsports.

In Japan, he has been active in Fukushima Sky Park since 1999. Through his experiences during the Great East Japan Earthquake and interactions with local people, his attachment to his hometown of Fukushima has grown more robust, and he has actively supported reconstruction and nurturing the next generation. He has received numerous awards, including the Fukushima Prefecture Citizen's Honor Award, Fukushima Sports Ambassador, and Fukushima City Citizen's Honor Award.

He also promotes aviation sports throughout Japan by organizing air shows and events nationwide. In 2020, he was awarded the FAI Air Sports Medal on "Aeronautics Day."

Official Website: http://yoshi-muroya.jp/

Photo courtesy of LEXUS PATHFINDER AIR RACING Yusuke Kashiwazaki

競技曲技飛行チーム/ 室屋義秀


2009年、FAI(Fédération AeronautInternational)公認の3Dモータースポーツシリーズ「レッドブル・エアレース・ワールドチャンピオンシップ」にアジア人パイロットとして初出場。2016年、千葉で初優勝を果たす。2017年は8戦中4勝をあげ、アジア人初のワールドシリーズ総合優勝を果たし、モータースポーツのトップカテゴリーの年間王者として目覚ましい活躍を見せた。


また、全国で航空ショーやイベントを開催し、日本全国に航空スポーツを普及させている。2020年、"航空記念日 "にFAIエアスポーツメダルを授与される。

公式サイト: http://yoshi-muroya.jp/